Get to Know Us

Evan has been riding and loving motorcycles for about twenty five years. He enjoys all types of bikes and works to improve his abilities through a variety of experiences plus year-round saddle time. These include commuting in San Francisco (every day is a new adventure), riding sport tracks and dirt trails, traveling to some cool places around the world and definitely hitting the beautiful roads of northern California.
Back around 2007 Evan started Monkey Moto School pretty randomly after helping a few friends with their riding skills. It became clear that coaching riders wasn’t a huge methodical departure from teaching health and fitness (Evan’s other career) even invoking yogic and sports mentalities which greatly aid people to understand motorcycling on a deeper level.
Now, about 15 years later, Evan has worked with hundreds of novice and intermediate motorcyclists and continues to develop the curriculum so that Monkey Moto School can offer the very best training possible.

Jason Vieira comes from a family of motorcycle enthusiasts and was riding on the back of his dad’s bike at the age of 2. His father, a police motorcycle instructor in Massachusetts who also taught for the Motorcycle Safety Foundation got Jason into riding early on and he had his first bike by age 7. He’s been riding and working on bikes ever since.
Now in his mid-forties Jason brings a lifetime of experience along with an easy smile and calming presence to Monkey Moto School. Asked what draws him to teaching he quickly responded that he feels pretty lucky to have received excellent training from the very beginning and wants to pass on the same solid foundation of skills to others straight out of the gate.
Additionally, he is looking forward to expanding his own exposure in working with the diverse population of excited new riders here in the SF Bay Area.

In his first eight years of riding Brian covered over 80,000 miles on his scooters which is more than most people ride their motorcycles, so it’s fair to say the guy gets around!
Between extensive bicycling and scooter riding while working various delivery jobs he has probably traveled nearly every inch of road in San Francisco and he can tell you where most of the fun riding outside of the city is too.
Initially self-taught (as were most of us) Brian took it upon himself to up his game with more formal training courses including the Monkey Moto School rider program. Added to the practical knowledge, he now has an extensive set of skills and traffic management tools which he brings to us with his easy demeanor and a friendly smile. Brian is a dedicated Vespa rider with a real desire to pass it forward and the deep philosophy that we’ll all be better off on the streets if there are more two-wheeled motorists than four-wheeled ones. We couldn’t agree more.

What's with the name Monkey Moto School?
Our Story
One of Evan's besties has been calling him "Monkey" for many years because, according to her, he embodies a playful monkey spirit, energy, and occasionally-mannerisms. It further turns out that Evan was born in the Chinese year of the monkey. And finally, in researching the Hindu monkey god Hanuman there seem to be some significant character likenesses.
We never stop improving, and will continue to expand our offerings based on how we can best serve the San Francisco area. Get in touch with us today to learn how Monkey Moto School can help you.